Your psychotherapy sessions are confidential. In order to maintain professional and sound practice, it is a requirement of BABCP accredited and UKCP registered psychotherapists to engage in regular supervision with a clinical supervisor. Your therapist may raise issues that pertain to your work during these meetings, however, your identity is not revealed. Confidentiality is breached and a third party is informed (e.g. contacting emergency services, your GP, police or the therapist’s assigned clinical supervisor), if a client states to their psychotherapist that they will either harm themselves or another human being or if the client possesses knowledge of harm or potential harm to a child under 18 years of age, or if a therapist is instructed by the law courts to present information pertaining to a criminal act. Also note, it is necesarily for all BABCP accredited therapists to have a "Clinical Will" in place. This means, that in the event of your therapist being incapacitated or in the event of therapist death, the clinical supervisor: David Dickey-Collas is the assigned professional to make the client contact.
If you have any queries regarding the information outlined here, please seek clarification with the therapist.